Dominik Glandorf, Detmar Meurers. 2024. Towards Fine-Grained Pedagogical Control over English Grammar Complexity in Educational Text Generation. In Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA 2024). Association for Computational Linguistics, Mexico City, Mexico.
Dominik Glandorf, Hye Rin Lee, Gabe Avakian Orona, Marina Pumptow, Renzhe Yu, and Christian Fischer. 2024. Temporal and Between-Group Variability in College Dropout Prediction. In The 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK ’24), March 18–22, 2024, Kyoto, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA.
Dominik Glandorf, Sascha Schroeder. 2021. Slice: an algorithm to assign fixations in multi-line texts. Procedia Computer Science 192, 2971-2979.
Jan Renz, Dominik Glandorf, Christoph Meinel. 2018. Data-Protection-Compliant Learning Analytics for the Use of External Resources in Learning Portals in Schools. In Proceedings of DeLFI Workshops 2018, co-located with 16th e-Learning Conference of the German Computer Society (DeLFI 2018), September 10, 2018, Frankfurt, Germany. ResearchGate