Podcastify AI #
At LauzHack 2024, my team ideated and implemented “Podcastify AI”, a personalized podcast generation app for the Apple Watch that allows language learners to listen to podcasts on their proficiency level. The unique thing about it: Learners can stop and select words they do not understand. After getting them explained in the context of the podcast, the word will reappear more often in the same podcast from this point on!
Grammar teaching with LLMs #
I am working on how to use the power of LLMs in a pedagogically reasonable way. Therefore, I investigated whether transformer-based embeddings represent grammar and text generation can be controlled in terms of grammar. I wrote my Master thesis on this topic, you can find the associated code on GitHub.
InterestLearn #
I created InterestLearn, a language learning tool designed to engage students with personalized content and adaptive interaction. Check out the demo!
Prerequisite mining #
For my Master’s research seminar, I investigated prerequisite structures of knowledge concepts and how to extract them from textbooks, Wikipedia and LLMs. Preliminary results have shown that small language models are not that good at this task.